Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Woman in the Window


Hey all you cool cats and kittens! (Sorry, I had to. No more Tiger King references, promise!) This post comes on an exciting weekend - we're out of our self-isolation! We have been on a pretty strict self-imposed quarantine period for the past 15 days (only leaving the apartment to take Scout outside) because at least one case of COVID-19 was reported in our apartment building (we're committed to flattening the curve!). So happy and grateful to report that both Cook Nerd and I are feeling good and have had no symptoms. Of course, we will continue to stay at home and social distance, but getting to go outside for more than a few minutes a day is still extremely exciting. It's the little things!

That being said, I have to tell you - reading The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn during isolation hit a little too close to home. Not only could we not leave our home, but the way our buildings are set up you can also see into most of our neighbors apartments. Talk about extra creepy! I initially had picked this up a few weeks ago just to read it before the movie came out. Those were simpler times.

The book is about Anna, a child psychologist who develops agoraphobia (she can't leave her house due to fear of open spaces and the outside world) after a traumatic accident involving her family. Anna passes her time by going to her favorite chatroom with other agoraphobes, drinking excessively, and observing her neighbors through the lens of her camera. Everything is turned upside down after she meets her new neighbors and witnesses what she believes to be a murder.

I had heard great things about this book so I was really excited for it to keep me entertained while being in lock down. Maybe it was due to my lack of focus these days (anyone else struggling with this?) but I didn't get really hooked the way I expected to. I could see how it would be a story that sucks you in, but it didn't really do it for me. I felt like it played out a little predictably and relied too heavily on a Rear Window storyline. Anna is interesting and I liked having the story from her perspective because you really never know what is real and what isn't, but I didn't get invested in her character enough.

Overall, this was a 3/5 for me. I'm curious to hear others' thoughts because my take could totally be circumstantial - I know a lot of us are in weird head spaces right now. I definitely still plan to watch the movie whenever it comes out. Let me know what you think!

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© The Book Nerd & The Cook Nerd
Maira Gall