Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Home Before Dark

Genre: Thriller
Read if you like: Lock Every Door, All The Missing Girls⁣

This is another delayed post as I finished Home Before Dark by Riley Sager a few weeks ago. I got the ARC and have been meaning to share my thoughts- so here we are!⁣

Synopsis: A family moves into a haunted house in Vermont, and later become famous after writing a book about their experiences there. When the daughter of that family inherits the house years later, she has to face her demons and come to terms with her history.⁣

Review: Ok- I honestly started this book with a ton of eye rolls. The characters and premise were a little cliche and predictable, and I found myself wondering if Lock Every Door had been that way as well and I just didn’t pay as much attention. BUT- Riley Sager knows what he’s doing when it comes to suspense. The twists and turns are awesome, I found myself on the edge of my seat and missing meals to find out how it ended. ⁣

Overall: 2.5/5- I picked this up because I wanted something mindless and entertaining, and that’s exactly what I got. I still have a few unanswered questions on the ending - so if you guys have read this, drop a comment and we can discuss!!

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Maira Gall