Friday, April 17, 2020

Living a Vegan Dream (Guest Post!)

Happy Friday, everyone! Today is especially exciting because we have a guest post from two of our amazing friends - Brie & Suz Waddington! These guys are trying out being vegan while they quarantine and we're loving the recipe they put together with their new lifestyle. We're seriously impressed by their creativity and ability to make veganism (is that the word for it?) be delicious and fun!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Nine Perfect Strangers


Happy Monday! Hope everyone is doing well and had a nice Easter weekend. I don't know about you guys, but at this point in quarantine my reading needed a little bit of a pick-me-up. I found Nine Perfect Strangers by Liane Moriarty at a library sale ages ago ($3 - deal of the century!) and decided now was as good a time as ever to give it a go - usually books I own are the last ones to get read because I always prioritize the library books I have out. But with everything going on and that no longer being an issue, I suddenly had plenty of time to read it. Plus, my mom and I are hoping to go to a health resort in June (fingers crossed it still happens) and this felt like a fun way to keep that vibe while stuck at home. While it was absolutely nothing like the place we're going to, it was still exactly what I needed!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Woman in the Window


Hey all you cool cats and kittens! (Sorry, I had to. No more Tiger King references, promise!) This post comes on an exciting weekend - we're out of our self-isolation! We have been on a pretty strict self-imposed quarantine period for the past 15 days (only leaving the apartment to take Scout outside) because at least one case of COVID-19 was reported in our apartment building (we're committed to flattening the curve!). So happy and grateful to report that both Cook Nerd and I are feeling good and have had no symptoms. Of course, we will continue to stay at home and social distance, but getting to go outside for more than a few minutes a day is still extremely exciting. It's the little things!

© The Book Nerd & The Cook Nerd
Maira Gall