Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Dutch House


I am so excited to finally be writing a review for The Dutch House! Ann Patchett is one of my all time favorite authors and this book had been on my TBR for months. I don't typically listen to fictional audiobooks (I usually use that platform for non-fiction), but my mom convinced me to give it a try and I'm so glad that I did. (It also definitely doesn't hurt that Tom Hanks reads the story and does an amazing job - feel better Tom and Rita!!!!)

The book is told from the perspective of Danny Conroy and spans over the course of his life - from early childhood to his mid-50's. Danny grew up in the famed Dutch House with his sister (Maeve), his father, their staff, and eventually his father's second wife (Andrea) and her daughters. Danny & Maeve's lives are shaped dramatically by their time in the house and the two continue to see its impact throughout adulthood. The story showcases dysfunctional families and the emotional connections that come from them, and explores how time can change our memories and perspectives but ultimately is the best healer of the damage we can cause one another. 

I know I already said this, but I seriously love Ann Patchett. Her ability to create emotional connections to her characters is seriously an art. For me, Maeve was hands down the best character in the book. I absolutely loved the relationship between Maeve & Danny - I am super close with my own brother so watching their sibling dynamic was especially relatable (I think the only other book I've ever read that did such a good job with a brother/sister relationship was A Tree Grows in Brooklyn). So if you have a sibling you're close with, you'll love this book!

I was also extremely pleasantly surprised by how much I liked the audiobook. I encourage everyone to give it a shot - while we're all stuck at home with limited to access to other people, listening could be a nice change of pace from your traditional book. Plus, most libraries/bookstores are making access to audiobooks as easy and inexpensive as possible. Support your local bookstores, people!!!

Overall, I loved this book. Ann Patchett is amazing, and if you're already a fan of hers you will not be disappointed. Also, her bookstore in Nashville, Parnasus Books, is one of my all time favorites and you should definitely check it out if you're ever in town. Can't wait to hear everyone else's thoughts on this book!

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Maira Gall