Monday, February 17, 2020

Lock Every Door


Lock Every Door by Riley Sager was my first thriller of the year. I picked it up because two of my best book lover friends, Michelle and Claire, convinced me we should all read it together. I'm so glad they did!

Jules, the main character, has reached her lowest point when she is let go from her job and cheated on by her boyfriend (who she lives with), in the same day. With no money to her name or family to help her, she moves in to the famed and luxurious Bartholomew as an apartment sitter where she hopes to land on her feet. We quickly learn that in addition to the strict rules the sitters have to follow, the building has a dark past and is the center of much controversy. Once she starts to pick up on the pattern of strange disappearances that seem to keep happening within the building, Jules takes it upon herself to figure out what's going on.

I love a good thriller every now and then. I say "good" because I only like the ones that are well done - I want to be creeped out and kept on my toes, but I am not into books that are excessively violent or feature characters who are frustratingly stupid. This book definitely falls into the category of a "good" thriller for me. I blew through it, and was thoroughly entertained and invested in Jules as a character. The story had a quite a few holes in it, and there was a point about 2/3 of the way in where I thought the ending was going to totally lose me, but it came back with a vengeance and I was so pleased that it did!

I give this book 3.5/5 stars because it was still fairly fluffy, but that's honestly what I was expecting and I still had a great time reading it. If you're in the mood for a fun thriller, I would definitely recommend!

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Maira Gall